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The Strategy Guy's Blog




strategy Nov 13, 2023

This week, Johanna and I attended the 2023 Scenic Rim Business Excellence Awards and Gala Dinner at The Centre in Beaudesert.

The evening unfolded as a splendid showcase, uniting businesses from across the Scenic Rim and illuminating business excellence across various industry categories.

Steering the event were the Scenic Rim's esteemed Mayor Greg Christensen, Economic Development Officer Cameron Thomas and his adept team, with the graceful guidance of 4BC Radio Host Sofie Formica as Master of Ceremonies.

Our table was graced with the presence of Greg and Denise Christensen, Sofie Formica, Oliver Pring, Greg SchossowMartin Gray and Jill Gray and Jonathan Krause, all of whom added a delightful presence to the evening.

This year, I was honoured to serve as a judge for the awards in seven award categories:

Excellence in Trades and Construction
Excellence in Agriculture
Excellence in Transport, Logistics, Manufacturing, and Mining

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keynote leadership strategy Nov 07, 2023

For the first time in ages, my event calendar is filling fast.

Even more stages are opening in 2024.
Some conferences have not been held for 5 years!

Face-to-face engagement, entertainment, strategy facilitation and education are back.

Whether you are a corporate, government, not-for-profit or business chamber client from before, I look forward to sharing future trends, strategic thinking and digital business models with your leaders and teams.

Click below for my keynotes and workshops: 


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leadership Oct 29, 2023

Do you need to heal from workplace conflict?

Human wellbeing took a hit due to COVID isolation and remote working. We human beings are highly social animals. We feel safer when we socialise, belong to groups, come together and create a sense of place.

The post-COVID era reveals that people worldwide, including in the workplace, do not feel safe and are ill-equipped to cope with constant threats, whether they be military attacks, physical confrontations, cyber threats, emotional abuse or increasing lateral violence via social media. 

Extended periods of device use, isolation and loneliness cause the amygdala in our brains to shrink and misfire. When compared to control groups, autopsy studies are now revealing that people those who tested positive for COVID-19 and died had more brain shrinkage, grey matter shrinkage and tissue damage. In many cases the virus penetrated and altered their amygdala. 

Instead of exhibiting a balanced and appropriate fight-freeze-flee...

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leadership strategy Oct 24, 2023

This week, I am off to ‘St Stradbroke’ on Stradbroke Island to inspire and collaborate with the island's community and business leaders.

We will be learning how to foster a strategic mindset to strengthen tourism resilience and pave the way for a brighter future, while capitalising on the power of the island's existing infrastructure and natural attractions.

Recent events, including the closure of sand mining operations and the challenges brought about by COVID-19 lockdowns, have had a significant impact on Stradbroke Island's local economy. Nevertheless, one of the island's inherent strengths lies in the deep connections between its businesses and people.

Looking ahead, it's evident that there is an urgent need to accelerate tourism development, with a special focus on nature-based activities and tours. Additionally, we will explore opportunities to increase investments in education, training, and infrastructure projects to generate new employment prospects for the...

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strategy Oct 17, 2023

This week I am honoured to be part of an informative interactive panel discussion with Miranda Mears, Paul Russell and our host Caitlin Baumann from Business Queensland.

During the session I will share stories about the seven bad actors and how to protect against them:

Identity Thieves: Crafty individuals who aim to steal and misuse personal and financial information for their gain.

Foreign Intruders: Hackers from around the globe seeking unauthorised access to sensitive company data.

Extortionists: Criminals who use threats to blackmail companies for financial or personal gain.

Blackmailers: Individuals or groups that attempt to tarnish a business's or individual’s reputation with sensitive information.

Terrorists: Groups or individuals who use digital means to create fear, chaos, or disrupt operations.

Bad Apples: Disgruntled employees with access to confidential information who might act against the interests of their employer.

Rotten Eggs: Individuals or insiders who...

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leadership strategy Oct 10, 2023

This week, I enjoyed sharing with Rotary Hamilton how a strategic mindset can be used to increase hope and create a brighter future. Although I love working on big stages with hundreds of people, speaking with small and passionate groups of leaders focused on being useful to their communities is equally rewarding.

When Gordon R. McInally from Rotary International Events announced the theme for the 2023-24 Rotary year, “Create Hope in the World,” Gordon explained that the goal is to restore hope to help the world heal from destructive conflicts and to help achieve lasting change.

One of my audience members, Marcel, sent me a kind message today:

'I want to express my sincere appreciation for your presentation last night at the Rotary Club of Hamilton. It was nothing short of inspirational, and your storytelling, particularly your narrative about your mountain adventure, served as a brilliant guide throughout the evening. Your inclusion of the mysterious skull,...

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leadership strategy Oct 03, 2023

Recently over lunch, I discussed with a woman named Sally, her critique of Rotary's patriarchal 'boys club' culture. While some of her points were valid, it was disheartening to see many men within Rotary unfairly targeted.

Often, discussions on 'toxic masculinity' reflect the behaviour of an elite male minority, not everyday men. Many men in service organisations like Rotary find much of their worth tied to their Rotary roles.

By contrast, modern talented women like Sally seem to have many other avenues to find usefulness and worth in society.

More than a decade ago, I founded Everyman, a monthly men’s group at Broken Head. Back then, self-worth issues were recurring. Over five years, hundreds of men came along. Many were burdened by depression and addiction, and some with suicidal thoughts. Indeed, analysis of suicide notes reveals words like 'useless' and ‘worthless’ being used most often.

In the safe environment of the men’s group, dozens of men...

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leadership Sep 26, 2023

Why is leadership authenticity elusive?

Being a leader is a role we play. Authenticity is something else entirely.

Today, many leadership coaches and advisors are trying to condition their clients to be more ‘authentic.’ These clients simply nod their heads, but have no clue what that means.

Being authentic to oneself offers us freedom, beyond conditions and conditioning.

Authenticity is akin to beingness. In this state, we are like an unfettered majestic bird with unclipped wings, soaring high.

If we slow down, rest, stay present, calm our minds, and observe closely, we can come to the realisation that our true nature is way beyond our personality.


Children from all cultural backgrounds carry a degree of emotional wounding and bodily closure - a spiritual sense of loss, which few of us escape from until the end of our lives. In that precious moment when death comes calling, we no longer need our personality to save us.

All children slowly gain an inner...

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strategy Sep 19, 2023

I had a positive day with the Zero Positive (ZP) Team again today. We dove deeper into our ongoing strategy conversation.

I couldn't have asked for a more passionate team to work with.

ZP is on a successful mission to provide precise, data-driven climate change solutions to measure CO2 emissions and promote awareness and behavioural change.

In today's world, where greenwashing is losing credibility, and climate change costs are on the rise, ZP is gaining significant interest, investment and sales.

ZP have shifted my understanding of our grave human impacts and how ZP can help the most responsible of corporates measure and correct their course.

These words from 4 years ago ring truer today than ever:

“You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I'm one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are at the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal...

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Scenic Rim Business Awards 

I am honoured to be appointed as a Judge for the upcoming Scenic Rim Business Awards, an event that celebrates business excellence across the Scenic Rim.

Queensland’s Scenic Rim is renowned for its breathtaking scenery, wineries, art galleries, bushwalking trails, equine facilities, agriculture, horticulture and welcoming rural communities, which include Beaudesert, Boonah, Tamborine Mountain, Kooralbyn, Beechmont, Kalbar, Aratula, Canungra, Rathdowney, Harrisville and Peak Crossing.

Here is a list of award categories along with past winners:

Excellence in Tourism and Accommodation: Tamborine Mountain Distillery

Excellence in Hospitality - Food and Dining: Scenic Rim Brewery

Excellence in Retail: My Country Escape

Excellence in Trades and Construction: Hobbs Building and Interiors

Excellence in Transport, Logistics, Manufacturing, and Mining: Joint winners Australian Lawn Concepts and RV Tanks Australia

Excellence in Professional and Community...

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