Ideas, strategies and tactics 

The Strategy Guy's Blog




leadership Sep 05, 2023

This Saturday, we will bury my mother's ashes near Torquay.

August and September have been challenging months for Dad, my sisters and I since Mum’s passing, but the outpouring of love and support from so many people has been truly heartwarming.

First and foremost, I want to express my deepest gratitude to our family, relatives and dear friends. Your unwavering support, comforting words and gentle presence have been a source of comfort and renewed strength for us during this time of grief.

Neighbours and colleagues alike have all been kind and understanding.

To the healthcare professionals and caregivers at Epworth Hospital who provided exceptional care to my mother during her final week, we are indebted to you. Your compassion made her final journey more comfortable.

The Torquay Unity Church and Reverend Bob Thomas were pillars of support at our time of sorrow and at the funeral. The team from Kings Funerals was always kind, flexible, and professional in their care.

Lastly, to...

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innovation strategy Aug 29, 2023
Accounting, rooted in ancient agriculture, has transformed across millennia. In Babylon, farmers pioneered bean-counting to audit harvests, emphasising efficiency. Mesopotamian traders used numeric systems for temple taxation.
In Roman times, accounting determined war investments. Eighth-century Persia saw double-entry accounting influenced by the Quran, spreading to Europe's banks by the 10th century.
Fourteenth-century Italian banking centres thrived with advanced wealth accounting. Neglecting records risked theft.
The Church employed accounting for large-scale collections in the 15th century. Bookkeepers in the 16th-17th centuries produced internal management and investor-focused financial records.
The 18th century's business regulations drove demand for independent auditors and chartered accounting, with Scotland's accountants closely linked to solicitors. Limited liability companies globally highlighted inventory and asset valuation.
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Announcing two exciting Grants-Funded-Programs for Small Businesses.

Are you the driving force behind a Queensland business of 2 to 19 dedicated individuals?

If so, you can elevate your business with one of John Hale’s two programs that will:

  •   Amplify Turnover, Profit, and Employment
  •   Elevate Business Confidence and Skills
  •   Strengthen Business Resilience and Long-Term Sustainability

The Department of Youth Justice, Employment, Small Business and Training's (DYJESBT) boost grant initiative, is offering a substantial $10,000 to $20,000 in funding!

This involves three-stage application process:

Stage 1: Registration of Interest (ROI) - September 6th to September 12th, 2023.

Stage 2: Comprehensive Application - September 20th to October 10th, 2023.

Stage 3: Submission of Verified Accountant's Letter.

To apply please visit


In alignment with the Business...

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strategy Aug 15, 2023

This week I had the pleasure of facilitating the second of three strategy sessions with Zero Positive, using The Strategy Book as a resource.
In our first session, last month, we addressed the most important strategy question of all, “What is really going on here?” We sensed the environment and looked beyond the horizon to paint a clear and at times bleak picture of our world’s repeated feeble attempts to address climate change.
Our second session yesterday addressed the second most important strategy question, “What are our options?”
Working individually and then in groups we fleshed out some cool options for the business. Creative juices were still flowing today when one of the group members shared an idea she had overnight for creating a climate friendly kitchen and inviting Al Gore to share a meal with Zero Positive’s Founders, Alliance Partners, and Volunteers.
She also shared that she has been reading a great book called...

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leadership Aug 08, 2023

Both my mother and I were born in South Australia.

She was the third daughter of Ernest and Dorothy Walsh; her father was a Baptist Minister. Mum was many things: a wife, writer, harp player, auntie, poet, gardener, homemaker, teacher, seamstress, cook, historian, bodyboarder, grandmother, social justice champion, church volunteer, Rotarian, knitter, author, playwright, animal lover, community leader and public speaker.

In her life, Mum fought for nuclear disarmament, the environment and refugee children in detention. She had a brilliant bullshit meter and was deeply saddened by recent life events - like the uncovering of the child sexual abuse sickness that plagued the Church. Mum was horrified by the political rise of so-called leaders, like the hopelessly 'self-serving Morrison' and the dispassionate and 'always uninspiring' Dutton.

Mum's journey through this world was guided by eulogy virtues, not resume virtues, which these days are a rare thing. I never saw my Mum's resume...

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leadership strategy Jul 27, 2023

Be a better captain of your ship.

Tip the scales on your ship from 'what just happened' to 'we make things happen.’

The Strategy Book will help you be like ‘Jack Sparrow on Steroids.’

In today's ever-changing business oceans, the word 'strategy' may have lost some appeal. But with constant storms and increasing digital connectivity, a well-crafted strategy is more critical than ever.

Don't let past painful strategy adventures deter you. The key to success in navigating the waves lies in cultivating a Strategic Mindset.

Education through action is the key to learning! The Strategy Book provides dozens of seaworthy illustrations, insights, activities and ideas to help you excel in business.

Buy your copy of The Strategy Book here (with free shipping ;-)




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Uncategorized Jul 18, 2023

When it comes to strategies for a happy life, one of the greatest obstacles is FOMO (fear of missing out) and something economists term Hyperbolic Discounting, where people opt for short-term gains that come at the expense of long-term benefits.

Long-term results come from thinking strategically.

Strategy in life and business is hard. We need to accept our ignorance and learn to think better.

Most business owners share that they don’t make the time to work on strategy, and almost as many say they don’t have the strategic mindset needed to be more strategic.

A beginning point in becoming strategic can be to ask three fundamental questions:

Q1. What is really going on here?
Q2. What are our options?
Q3. What will we do?

Let's take longevity, for example.

Q1. What is really going on here?

Many people want to live a long life but party like it’s 1999.

Stressful jobs, big mortgages, buying the latest fashion, lots of air travel, eating fast and processed foods, taking recreational...

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keynote Jul 10, 2023

Gratitude and commendation for Joe Pezzano and Garth Taylor. 

These two remarkable individuals form a dynamic duo called 1E Group that can transform your National Conference into an absolute hit.

Last month, I had the privilege of being a keynote speaker at the Advantage Conference hosted by Garth and Joe in Perth. 

I must say, Joe and Garth's dedication and hard work in orchestrating a flawless and impactful 4-day event surpassed all expectations. From start to finish, they ensured that every attendee experienced a seamless and memorable conference.

Garth and Joe's unwavering commitment to creating an exceptional experience for all participants truly deserves applause. Their attention to detail, professionalism, and ability to handle any challenge that arose throughout the conference was truly remarkable. It was evident why Advantage and numerous other clients trust them year after year to deliver outstanding events.

For your upcoming event, I highly recommend...

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strategy Jul 04, 2023

Too many business owners run into trouble because they don't do strategy well or do strategy at all. In this podcast, I unpack the six steps needed to create a strategic mindset. Additionally, I discuss smart ways to grow your workforce and navigate the future.

Last week Shontel Ashurst from the Townsville Chamber graciously hosted me at the Mercure and created this podcast. She kindly wrote:

"It was lovely working with you John. Thank you for the strategy book; I've already started reading it and taking notes. John, you effortlessly connected and engaged with our audience. The feedback from our members was overwhelmingly positive, and your entertaining and informative presentation equipped us with the steps to future-proof our businesses. Your professionalism and knowledge on strategy are insightful and long-lasting. I will be sure to recommend you to all future clients."

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leadership strategy Jun 27, 2023
Off the stage and straight into the studio this week.
How would you like your strategy education served?
Live and hot from the stage over lunch at Mercure Townsville or...
Nicely preserved and chilled in a 25 minute Spotify Podcast Interview? 
Stay tuned for interview :-)  Hopefully next week!
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