Ideas, strategies and tactics 

The Strategy Guy's Blog




strategy Jun 20, 2023

We're doing a little happy dance because we're moving offices!

We're not just moving down the road; we're stepping up another 10 floors and setting up shop at the extraordinary Standard Building at 15 Manning Street, South Brisbane.

Our new offices are perched above the world-famous LUNE designer croissant outlet.

We'll start our workday surrounded by the irresistible aroma of freshly baked croissants, which we'll happily share with our clients.

Our new space also boasts jaw-dropping 360-degree views of beautiful Brisbane.

Whenever we need a little inspiration or a breather from our busy day, we'll step onto the terrace and feel like we're on top of the world.

A big thank you to the Emporium Hotel Concierge and Catering Teams for being an amazing chapter in our journey over the last 5 years.

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strategy Jun 12, 2023

My triumphant completion of the Brisbane Marathon last weekend filled me with an overwhelming sense of joy and accomplishment.

A few hours earlier, as I stood at the start line, surrounded by fellow runners ready to tackle the 42.195 km journey, something caught my attention.

Beside me was a runner unlike the others - he was barefoot!

I couldn't help but be amazed. How could someone even contemplate running a full marathon without shoes?

Memories flooded my mind of Abebe Bikila, the Ethiopian runner who made history in 1960. Thrust into the race at the last minute as a replacement for an injured athlete, Abebe decided to embrace the challenge and run the marathon barefoot.

And what a decision it turned out to be!

Not only did he secure victory, but he also set a new world record, leaving spectators in awe. The sheer audacity and determination of his barefoot accomplishment remain etched in my mind as the siren for the race start sounded.

There is a vast array of options we have...

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keynote strategy Jun 06, 2023

When leaders approach me after a speaking engagement, their eyes brimming with excitement, I am filled with a profound sense of connection.

As a passionate motivational speaker and author, there is no greater satisfaction than witnessing the enthusiasm and engagement of leaders who have just heard me speak at a conference. I love to surprise and delight my audiences while unpacking the steps needed to create a strategic mindset, build future perspectives and shape a brighter future.

After many of my talks, there is often an opportunity to connect with individual audience members, to learn about their trials and successes. I cherish hearing their inspiring journeys. Through their victories, I am reminded of the limitless potential within each of us. 

It is in these moments that selling copies of my books and signing them with a personalised note of encouragement becomes much more than a mere transaction; it becomes a heartfelt exchange and a catalyst for change. We shape each...

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keynote strategy May 30, 2023

I am excited to be speaking up north in Townsville.

Michael Kern and his team at the Townsville Chamber are hosting a unique business lunch and have kindly invited me to speak.

My talk will focus on the practical steps needed to develop a strategic mindset, including gaining a broader perspective on the future and how a strategic mindset can be used to promote mental resilience and greater health.

All of us are facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities in 2023. To meet these changes, I will be sharing, stories, knowledge, and tools to help business leaders become more effective and strategic.

We will learn to recognise cognitive biases, anticipate future trends, build strong relationships with stakeholders and achieve better results.


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keynote strategy May 22, 2023

When I arrived to speak to Morton Bay business leaders at the Sandstone Point Hotel on Friday, every table had a sign placed by my host, the Caboolture Chamber.

The sign read: "A Strategic Mindset is essential in today's business world where disruption is constant."

The idea of a strategic mindset is an idea worth spreading.

It was an honour to speak to the Caboolture Chamber. They certainly know how to organize a fun event and create a fantastic learning environment – so much laughter and learning over the hour.

Even though the Caboolture Chamber is still relatively new in the Chamber of Commerce realm, they are already filled with enthusiastic and dedicated community leaders, such as Morton Bay Councillor Adam Hain, Paul Garcia, Chamber Relationship Manager from Business Chamber Queensland, and Yvonne Rinaldi, Principal of Caboolture Montessori School, as well as dozens of business owners and managers, like Marissa Austin, Operations Manager from ETC Ltd. I was truly...

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keynote strategy May 11, 2023

I am excited to be part of Moreton Bay's celebration of Small Business Month.

Naomi Spence and her team at the Greater Caboolture Chamber of Commerce are hosting a unique business lunch and have kindly invited me to speak.

My talk will focus on the practical steps needed to develop a strategic mindset, including gaining a broader perspective on the future. All attendees will receive a complimentary copy of my best-selling book, The Strategy Book.

All of us are facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities in 2023. To meet these changes, I will share knowledge and tools to help you become more effective and strategic leaders. You'll learn to recognise cognitive biases, anticipate future trends, build strong relationships with stakeholders and achieve better results.

This business lunch is Friday 19 May at The Cellar in the Sandstone Point Hotel.

Last tickets on sale today and tomorrow.

The event is being generously supported by Moreton...

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keynote strategy May 09, 2023

Throughout history, heading in that direction has always led to great opportunities. And in just one week, I'll be heading to Perth's Crown for this year's Advantage Conference - I'm pumped!

But wait, it gets better. I'll be sharing the stage with some seriously cool people: the high-energy, quick-witted Andrew Gill, communication master Bruce Cotterill, and adventure extraordinaire James Castrission, who holds not one, but TWO Guinness World Records.

Andrew will be the MC, keeping us all entertained and engaged, while Bruce shares his tips for effective communication and building meaningful relationships. And James? He'll be sharing his insane stories of adventure to inspire us all.

As for me, I'll be sharing practical skills and reliable action steps for leaders to navigate the ever-changing world of disruption, build future perspectives, and allocate resources like a boss. See

I'm ready for an incredible conference and the chance to...

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keynote strategy May 02, 2023

A strategic mindset is essential in today's business world where disruption is a constant.

Emerging technologies, evolving consumer preferences, and changing regulatory environments can all disrupt established business models and entire industries.

Having a strategic mindset includes understanding the forces shaping your industry and the trends likely to affect your organisation in the coming years. With a strategic mindset, leaders can anticipate challenges and opportunities and make decisions that position their firm for success.

Effective resource utilisation is also crucial. Leaders must focus on activities and initiatives that drive growth and profitability while letting go of those that no longer serve the organisation's goals. Disciplined resource allocation and avoiding chasing every shiny new opportunity can create a sustainable path to success.

Cultivating a strategic mindset among leaders can lead to benefits such as anticipating change, identifying the best growth...

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leadership strategy Apr 25, 2023

Running a company is not always a sprint, often it's like running a marathon. In preparing for a successful marathon, I've learned to mix up my training. Sometimes I need to train longer distances. This morning I ran a 21 km piece in preparation for my upcoming Marathon in June.

Other times I need to do sprint training on the track.

The same goes for being an efficient and effective CEO.

My friend Rowan, a retired CEO and veteran of the telco industry, shares the three primary functions that guided him as a CEO for twenty years: gaining employee buy-in, having a clear vision, and ensuring alignment between all parts of the business. This is typically a slow process and takes time. Here slow and steady wins the race.

Yet for a new CEO, it's important to very quickly cultivate self-awareness and embrace your shadow. Ego management and self-care are critical. You must be fast here. Expanding your awareness helps you prepare for and adapt in the face of volatility, uncertainty, complexity,...

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strategy Mar 31, 2023

As a speaker sharing the stage can be a great strategy.

What better way to engage an audience of over 600 at City Hall than to invite a brave audience member to join you on stage?

Thanks to learned Rotary Volunteer Tim Boyd for taking to the stage and assisting me with my Strategic Mindset Motivational Keynote over the weekend.

As a speaker, I never stop learning, and Tim’s knowledge of the evolution of hominids was a treat. We learnt that the evolution from Homo erectus to Neanderthals and Homo sapiens represents a central aspect of human history.

Understanding this evolution provides insight into how humans have adapted and how we have come to dominate the planet.

Full talk here: Centenary Conference Rotary District 9620 Brisbane Town Hall

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