leadership Oct 29, 2023

Do you need to heal from workplace conflict?

Human wellbeing took a hit due to COVID isolation and remote working. We human beings are highly social animals. We feel safer when we socialise, belong to groups, come together and create a sense of place.

The post-COVID era reveals that people worldwide, including in the workplace, do not feel safe and are ill-equipped to cope with constant threats, whether they be military attacks, physical confrontations, cyber threats, emotional abuse or increasing lateral violence via social media. 

Extended periods of device use, isolation and loneliness cause the amygdala in our brains to shrink and misfire. When compared to control groups, autopsy studies are now revealing that people those who tested positive for COVID-19 and died had more brain shrinkage, grey matter shrinkage and tissue damage. In many cases the virus penetrated and altered their amygdala. 

Instead of exhibiting a balanced and appropriate fight-freeze-flee responses, our unhealthy amygdalae tend to 'lash out.' Post-COVID conflicts like Israel, Ukraine, youth crime and partisan politics all echo 'fight, fight and fight.’ An exaggerated reaction from our leaders, managers, supervisors and employees who, deep down, are reacting to life from a state of 'fear, fear and fear.’ Irreversible goal warming tipping points we are now reaching don’t help either!

So what’s the answer? I have had the honour in recent times of working with the inspiring and empowering Workplace Wellness Woman, Leanne Hardinge. Yesterday, Leanne sent me a generous testimonial:

“I have been fortunate indeed to have John coach me in my business and my life for the last two years. John’s unique ability to combine his head, heart and soul forever alters the lives of all those he touches. I would without hesitation recommend John as an outstanding business and life coach.”


If you are a manager or leader of a team regrouping after a long period of remote working and are seeking effective tools and processes to build a world-class team, reach out to Leanne on [email protected]  Leanne offers an empowering collection of books, programs and processes to safeguard the current and future wellness of your team.


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