Announcing two exciting Grants-Funded-Programs for Small Businesses.

Are you the driving force behind a Queensland business of 2 to 19 dedicated individuals?

If so, you can elevate your business with one of John Hale’s two programs that will:

  •   Amplify Turnover, Profit, and Employment
  •   Elevate Business Confidence and Skills
  •   Strengthen Business Resilience and Long-Term Sustainability

The Department of Youth Justice, Employment, Small Business and Training's (DYJESBT) boost grant initiative, is offering a substantial $10,000 to $20,000 in funding!

This involves three-stage application process:

Stage 1: Registration of Interest (ROI) - September 6th to September 12th, 2023.

Stage 2: Comprehensive Application - September 20th to October 10th, 2023.

Stage 3: Submission of Verified Accountant's Letter.

To apply please visit


In alignment with the Business Boost Grants Program's vision, John Hale, as a seasoned mentor in the Queensland Government Mentoring for Growth Program has two distinctive programs available:

PROGRAM ONE: Experience four immersive days of in-person Strategy Facilitation, coupled with a comprehensive six-hour online Strategy Course and a meticulously crafted written plan for just $20,000 (50% funded by the Qld Govt).

PROGRAM TWO: Dive into an extensive twelve-day journey of in-person or virtual business coaching over the course of a year. This program centres on enhancing performance accountability, staff development, and continuous growth. You'll also enjoy on-call support throughout the year, all at an investment of $40,000 (50% funded by the Qld Govt).


If your business aspires to embark on an empowering strategic review leading to a comprehensive written plan, or if you seek ongoing business coaching with a strong emphasis on staff development and performance, seize this moment to connect with us:

โœ‰๏ธ [email protected]

๐Ÿ“ฑ Call 0407 301 200

Let's unlock your business's true potential, together!








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