leadership Oct 30, 2024

Nearly two years ago, I had the pleasure of presenting The Strategic Mindset Process to the 100+ regional leaders at the Gympie Chamber of Commerce. It was a truly engaging experience, full of the courage, resilience, hospitality, and kindness that this community embodies. Now, I am thrilled to announce that I’ve been invited back in the coming month to dive deeper into the topic of leadership that we scratched the surface of last time.

While hope is not a strategy, over breakfast, we’ll explore how culture eats strategy for breakfast. I’ll be sharing leadership secrets to help local bosses and business owners thrive in today’s complex world, covering how to:

 • Create psycho-emotional safety
 • Navigate the future with VUCA, BANI, and Antifragility
 • Enhance personal effectiveness and strengthen support networks
 • Align and allocate scarce resources effectively
 • Partner with stakeholders to maximise performance

Gympie, I can’t wait to reconnect with you, celebrate your recent successes, tip my hat to your latest business award winners, and learn more about the challenges you’re still facing. I’ll be sharing practical leadership lessons that can help your businesses and teams grow stronger.

If you can join us, please book your ticket here:


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