strategy Jun 30, 2019

The Lean Start-up model is a methodology for developing and launching new products or services that emphasises rapid iteration and customer feedback. To apply this model to Uber, the company could start by identifying a problem or opportunity in the transportation market, such as a lack of convenient and affordable options for getting around in urban areas.

Next, they would create a minimum viable product (MVP) that addresses this problem or opportunity, such as a simple app that connects riders with drivers in their area.

The Lean Startup does not evolve by having a fixed end in mind. It starts small.

Uber's MVP would be tested with a small group of customers, who would provide feedback on its usability, features, and overall value.

Based on this feedback, Uber would iterate on the MVP, adding new features and making improvements based on customer feedback, until they had a fully-featured product that meets the needs of their target market. As they continue to grow and get more feedback, they will continue to improve their product, process, and system to make it more efficient and effective.

In summary, the key steps of the Lean Start-up model that Uber could apply are:

  • Identify a problem or opportunity in the transportation market
  • Create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
  • Test MVP with a small group of customers
  • Iterate on MVP based on customer feedback
  • Continuously improve product, process and system.

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