Purchase a session here and we will email you to schedule a 90 min session with John.
The Strategy Guy, John Hale, is passionate about helping people come up with value-driven strategies for their businesses and their lives.
Have you reached an impasse? You may know where you need help, or you may want help identifying the source of your problem.
Either way, you can book a session with John to
- Clarify your strategic approach
- Identify your top strategy problem
- Create an empowering action plan
- Overcome a limiting situation or
- Learn how to ask better questions
"John's excellent understanding of organisations, people and human nature will change your life. I am truly blessed to have him as a coach."
- Glen Eagles, General Manager, Hurford Building Group
"If you have reached a dead-end, but dare to take another step, then taking those steps with John makes all the difference."
- Jane Blight, Creative Director and Author